Running the program
How to use the Vancouver fitprogram MSRFIT
Susanne J. Flaschin
There are different versions of the Vancouver fitprogram:
CFIT (for windows)
The following description refers to the latter one.
Running the program
How to create an initialfile
The parameterlist
COMMENT for last run
Declaration of the outputfile
SIGNAL commands - declaration of the theory function(s)
Variable parameters for global fit
Redefinition of parameters
Kubo-Toyabe functions
SPECTRUM commands
Fit of an
Fit of a
single histogram
How to plot initial guess and fitted results
Fixing parameters
Using different binwidths for one spectrum
Fitting different data in one inifile (``global fit'')
Constant signal
Running NMSRFIT automatically
... parts of the program
... the whole fitprogram
legend of subcommands
Complete Outputfile for fittet parameters
Inifiles for fits in transverse field geometry
Exponential damping
Gaussian damping
Power exponential damping
Abragem function
constant volume fraction
product of an exponential and an gaussian damped signal
sum of an exponential and an gaussian damped signal
sum of two exponentially damped signals
combined fit of spectra in transverse and zero field geometry
Single histogram fit, gaussian damping
Global fit in TF for different temperatures
rotating reference frame analysis