Using different binwidth for one spectrum
For fixing parameters there are different possibilities:
- you can can enter a blanc or ``0''. In the parameter list in the
column ``error''
2 asy_tot 0.23 0. 0.20 0.30 or
- you can define the parameter which should be constant under
SIGNAL commands using the redefinition parameter 201....
SIGNAL , 201, , #,
asy_tot=0.23 or
- you have another chance to fix the parameter while running MINUIT.
Using the command FIX < param# > will fix the parameter at its
current value. The paramter will return to variable status by entering
RELEASE < param# >. The command CONTOUR <para1>
<para2> only varies the parameters <para1> and
<para2> while fixing all the others at their current value.