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How to create an initialfile

    An initialfile consists of the following sections:
  1. headline 1 (only one line),
  2. list of fitparameters,
  3. definition of an output file for the fit results,
  4. declaration of theory function(s),
  5. spezification of the spectra,
  6. fitcommands.

Here is an example of an initialfile (tf.i) in transverse field geometry:


tf.i:  CeNi0.9Cu0.1SN 3.3K TF20 ( 1 vs 2 ) ASY   18:36:05  30-OCT-95       1
	 1  Alpha       .62164        0.001     0.        0.
	 2  phas          .548        0.1       0.        0.
	 3  ASY         .23032        0.001     0.        0.
	 4  frq          .1496        0.01      0.        0.
	 5  rel          .0304        0.001     0.        0.1
\-E  (do not Echo indirect input to ASK.)
!===================== COMMENT for Last Run:                               2
!   91,   114.49     = NDFR, CHISQ
!                                   18:36:06    30-OCT-95       
!===================== Name of TARGET "Initial Guess" File for RESULTS:    3
!===================== SIGNAL commands:                                    4
SIGNAL   2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
!      pha,asy,frq,rel,pow
!===================== SPECTRUM commands:                                  5
SPECTRUM 1,  ,  ,  ,  , ,,,,
!       alpha,beta,rpha,rasy,l/t0,    5xindirect
SP 2
H 1, 2, 0, 0
B 70, 240, 70, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0
T  ,5.,50.

!===================== MINUIT commands:                                    6